Monday, October 6, 2008


I'm in the midst of studying for a final exam and writing a final paper this week (again, my program is a little different than most) so, #1: I'm currently lacking the brain capacity to put something extensive and/or insightful here; but, #2: I needed a break from the schoolwork (a.k.a. a reason to procrastinate for a bit. . .wait, do I ever need a reason for that?) and I thought that this was as good as any. Anyway, for now I'll just give a brief glimpse of some recent happenings, it's quite scintillating so I hope that you're prepared for all of this. . .

- Last week I ventured out to a local middle school to check out a Wyldlife (Young Life for middle-schoolers) club to see if it was something that I wanted to get back involved in out here. It was fun to be a part of that again, but the highlight of the evening was when one of the high-school-aged leaders asked me if I was an eighth-grader. Seriously. I suppose when I'm older it won't be bad to seem 10 years younger, but as for now, I think that graduate school and middle school are light years apart and I really hope that I don't resemble an adolescent girl.

- Kickball is going. . .well, it's going. My team is fun and I'm having a blast with it but we're still trying to get our first win. At least we've gotten to the point of being able to keep our opponents in the single digits. I think we're just going for the underdog story, so watch out, by the end of the season we'll take everyone by surprise. . .maybe. We do have our mid-season party this weekend so that should be quite the good time as well.

- One other thing keeping me going with these finals is the fact that they'll be done come Saturday, and I plan on celebrating by attending Oktoberfest down on the ocean front with some other ladies. The German in me has always wanted to experience Oktoberfest so I'm looking forward to some good Bavarian food, beer, and entertainment. Es wird spass machen! I'll try and document it in pictures to show you all the event in its glory.

- On a weirder note, over the last week my right index finger has taken to twitching involuntarily quite constantly. . .and it's gotten worse in the last couple of days. Not really sure what's going on with that. Any medical workers out there with insight?

Well, that's all folks. I promise to return to full capacity in the near future, thanks for putting up with the complete randomness (more so than usual) until then. As for now, it's back to the books for me.

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