Tuesday, March 10, 2009


In the midst of studying my calendar to figure out what exactly is going on in my life in the near future it suddenly dawned on me that we're practically already in mid-March. . .MID-MARCH! How on earth did that happen?! Has it really been 2 and a half months since I was home in Washington? And will the next 2 and a half months from now be here in the blink of an eye too? I know that people say that the older you get the faster time seems to go, but I don't think that I fully believed them until now (blame it on my stubborn nature and my desire to learn things firsthand). In spite of my previous inclination to want to fast forward my life, I'm coming to see that time is already going fast enough all on its own and instead of putting my focus on things that lie ahead in the relatively distant future I need to work on focusing on the here and now even more before it passes me by. Spending a considerable amount of time these days amongst youngens ranging from preschool to middle-school age, I've found myself reminiscing about those years of my own life and, as great as they were, wishing that I would've reveled in that time even more and not been so anxious to move on to the next big thing. It's made me realize that I don't want to look back on this time of life with that same type of sentiment, but rather I want to do all that I can now to enjoy this time in life to its fullest, knowing full well that everything else that I desire for my future will happen in due time and it's not worth losing time/life/experiences over in the meantime. I'm going to try my darnedest to drink in every single day and every step along the way because I'm sure that it'll be next year, five years from now, ten years from now, before I even know it.

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