Saturday, February 13, 2010



Call me sappy, but my heart swells everytime the Olympics roll around; not necessarily because of the sporting events themselves, but because of the pride and unity that it emanates. In essence, the games are about competition, but even in the spirit of competition the underlying unity of all the competitors and countries shines through. With the Olympics, whether in tragedy or triumph, we stand together, side by side with our brothers and sisters from foreign lands, as one world. I love it. . .and wish it would happen more often.

P.S. This commercial is pretty great.


Heather said...

I completely agree...the Olympics bring me so much joy! Of course Trevor laughed at me when I teared up because of Dan Janson's VISA commercial...not to mention the emotional profiles they always do on the athletes...gosh I love it!

Jyl said...


I gave you an award on my blog, just because you're so great :)