Wednesday, June 2, 2010


This past weekend I was in full-tilt 'Auntie mode.' It's always great when you get to have the perk of having fun with kids without having to be fully responsible for their upbringing (don't you worry though, I'm sure I will enjoy being fully responsible for the upbringing of little humans when the time comes).  I love it. But even more so, I sure do love the special girl that I got to play at the park with, have movie nights with (complete with making stove-popped popcorn -- that popped out at us when we'd sneak a peek under the lid), get in tickle fights with, and, among other things, do long division with? Yes, that too -- at her request! Smart cookie. She even was a trooper as we trekked all over town partaking in the Street Scramble put on by the YMCA. We managed to place 70th out of around 200 teams; she's a rock star (and was, of course, rewarded with ice cream afterwards)!

I'm pretty sure that I lucked out in the niece department. I can't wait to see how life unfolds for her as she continues to grow up and into her own person! But for now, I'm going to revel in the fun times with her in all of her ten-year-old glory.

P.S. I do realize that about 90.24% of my post titles are song lyrics/titles -- what can I say, I'm a bit of a music lover.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are the BEST Auntie! She is lucky to have you in her life. Love, Mom