Tuesday, June 16, 2009


In an attempt to beautify my patio, awhile back I purchased some basic gardening items and set to work. Fast forward to today, while out watering my two 'projects' (yes, they are deemed as such since I'm not exactly 'lil Miss Gardener') I came across a beautiful sight. . .my first flower in bloom! Let's face it, it does not take a whole lot of work/skill to plant and grow flowers like these, but regardless, I was quite excited to see the fruits of my 'labor' pay off since I wasn't sure my gardening skills were going to turn out so well. It's the small victories in life that matter. I can't wait to see the progress that both pots make, and especially to see them in full bloom! Maybe I have a bit of gardener in me yet.

In other news, here's what my life is looking like at the moment:

- 2 days left at work
- 4 days left of grad. school projects/assignments. . .ever
- 5 days until leaving for a week of camp in NC with a bunch of high-schoolers

Ah, life.

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