Tuesday, January 19, 2010


After watching Emily Blunt [a British actress, if you're unaware] on Leno tonight I couldn't resist the urge to speak in an English accent . . . and so I've been doing just that ever since. It happens sometimes.

I also recently stumbled across these cute pictures of my niece from a few years back,

and the combination of these things has got me thinking.

How fun would life be if we constantly, unabashedly let the real world and the world of make-believe collide?! If people did converse with others in accents (that are not their own). . .in public. . .just for the heck of it? If someone who had always been tempted to don a Superman outfit underneath their blase business suit in order to feel a bit like a superhero themselves did just that? If someone who needed a little extra "oomph" to run faster/farther pretended that they were being chased by a dinosaur?

True, the likelihood of people going overboard is pretty much guaranteed. But still, why do we have to forgo all of our make-believing just because we aren't adorable little five year old fairy explorers anymore? Perhaps letting our imaginations have a little more say in our day to day life may be exactly what each of us need. If nothing else, it'd at least be highly entertaining.

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