Sunday, July 18, 2010


If you're at all curious about my trip to Denver, here's the gist of it: I hit a deer somewhere in Montana while driving on the freeway (but miraculously managed to drive away unscathed -- both my car and the deer); saw a fair amount of bison, as well as some elk and moose in Yellowstone National Park;

and ripped my pants in the midst of trying to escape a cicada while dining out on my first night in town (what can I say, I'm afraid of bugs/insects). On the whole, in between driving long hours through seemingly endless lands of wide open spaces, this trip brought me that much closer to nature and strengthened my love-hate relationship with it. What more could you ask for on an excursion such as the one I just completed?

1 comment:

Heather said...

I wish I could have been there with you! Also, thank you for that fascinating information about cicadas. I'm sure glad you survived :)