Sunday, September 19, 2010


Words. I've clearly been lacking the capacity to put some to paper computer screen recently. But I've also found myself getting tongue-tied, jumbled, and even hesitant, when it comes to my verbal words lately. I'm not a fan. Confucius says (or more accurately, said) "words are the voice of the heart," and I have to say that I agree. Thus, when my words are lacking or not coming out as I would like them then it's as if someone's slapped a muzzle over the voice of my heart. And that's never a pleasant way to go about living life. I'm thinking that maybe if I go eat some alphabet soup or something then it will help me get back on track to formulating my words. . .In the meantime, bear with me as I continue to make incoherent sentences or don't speak up in the way/when I should. Thanks for your understanding.

Relatively mute,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club of "Too Much Going On!" which causes words to have difficulty finding their way from brain to tongue! Smile!