Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I stepped outside this morning and was met with the most absolute silence that I've ever heard. Perhaps it's because this is what it looks like out there:

That, my friends, is a nice, thick, wet blanket of snow. In the Seattle area? Yes, yes indeed. And, since it is a bit of an oddity here, and just because I love snow in general, I figured it's a great day to hunker down by the fireplace, with my trusty computer and some good reads, and enjoy the beautiful sight outside the windows.

With the fireplace all aglow, and before jumping into a mindless chick-lit book [what can I say, they're a guilty pleasure] I had a little one-on-one time with God. The devotional that I read this morning touched on God's desire to see fruit in our lives, and prompted me to ask how I might be more fruitful. Immediately following that, I opened up a Bible study book that I had started many years ago, intending to just read back through the parts that I had highlighted before, but, lo and behold, when I opened it up to where it was bookmarked [at the next section I was to read in full, at some point] my eyes fell on the title of that chapter, "To Be Fruitful." Ha! Oh, God, You're a smart one in how You catch our attention in order to provide us with Your answers and direction. Alright, alright, I get it that You want me to have a better understanding of how to bear fruit in my own life. .  .

Gotta love such a start to the day!

I hope that each of you see God revealing Himself to You in some way or another today, whether it's in the beauty of His creation, in interactions with others, or in seemingly coincidental instances, may He pleasantly surprise you -- He certainly likes to do that.

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