Saturday, November 17, 2007


Little known fact: among my number of reasons for transferring schools was that I wanted to go to a school that had a football team so that I could enjoy firsthand all the excitement that college football has to offer. But alas, my first year at UW didn't start until after football season and last year, well, I didn't quite make it to any games then. However, TODAY was the day (post-graduation, but oh well) that I made my first appearance in the Husky stadium, and it certainly was a momentous occasion, for a number of reasons.
If it looks as though I'm a little wet here, that's because I am, or more so, I'm A LOT wet. For some reason, for the bulk of my life I have been a constant coat-avoider. I'd much rather just put on layers and call it good, but you would think that my brain might register that that philosophy doesn't quite cut it when the weather calls for rain. Needless to say, I was indeed warm for the better part of the game, but once the rain actually stopped and it was just me and my wet clothes standing in the cold weather, that's when I realized that I wasn't quite as warm as I had thought that I was.

On the other hand, we have my friend Ashlea who was smart enough to wear the proper attire. (and who is also excited at the reality of being at the game, clearly)
As it turned out though, apparently the coat was only good for the upper portion of the body, her jeans were nearly drenched all the way through. The game was fabulous to watch and the Dawgs were putting up a good fight that seemed as though it was finally going to pay off this time around, but our limbs weren't handling the wetness-induced cold very well. Ash headed back home at the end of half-time, and I stuck it out through the kick-off and some great plays that got them down the field and culminated in a field goal before I finally caved in to the constant shivers I was experiencing.
After a nice cup of hot chocolate and a change into warm, dry clothes, we finished watching the game from the comfort (and warmth) of home (my old one, that is), and reveled in a long-eluded victory for the good 'ol Huskies.
We were very excited about the win and decided to showcase one of the tricks that we picked up today:
That would be a "W" for UW, it seems oddly similar to something else I've seen before though. .
You may be asking if risking my health was worth it. . .it was, because of this:
All in all, it was a marvelous day. You've got to love football. . .and Seattle weather. . .and friends. . .and William Hung, of course.

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