Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Today at a job interview I was asked the age-old question: "where do you see yourself in the next two to five years?", not only was I faced with the dilemma of whether or not to omit the fact that I am actually in the middle of applying to graduate schools and thus am only looking for an 'in the meantime' type of job as opposed to making a career out of that particular position, but I also found myself pondering over the exact question that I have more or less subconsciously been asking myself recently. I have varying passions/interests/dreams to the extent that, on any given day, my idea of my future can differ greatly when compared to the day before. Some days I aspire to have a corporate-like job (this one is rare), to experience the rush that comes with that type of professionalism, to force myself to grow up. Other times I strive for inner-city involvement, bringing hope to a bleak world and exposing myself to that atmosphere as well, enjoying the thrill of the big city while also being attuned to the reality it presents. More often than not, my thoughts lead to a more simplistic form of life; living in some smaller city/town where kicking-back is the way of life, being involved in the community and the lives of individuals, and working beyond the confines of a cubicle, or desk even. And in all honesty, a huge part of me yearns for nothing more than the chance to have my own family, as in a husband and children, to not have to work (but to choose to do so if I wanted), to just settle down and share that type of love that I have bottled up inside of me, while also sharing the rest of my love by way of volunteering or something of that sort. So with all of these mixed thoughts (and the others in my head that are escaping me at the moment), where do I see myself in the next two to five years? I see myself being invested in people, bringing hope to the hopeless, being a friend to the friendless, being a shoulder to cry on, being a companion to be joyous with, simply doing whatever I am capable of doing in order to bring meaning to the lives of others, and to give them the love that I have to share. . .in whatever shape or form that may take. THAT is my general direction, THAT is where I hope to be in the next few years.

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