Monday, July 20, 2009


True, I technically may still be in the prime of my life but there are some things that even at my age I've felt like it's too late to experience and/or learn. Obviously I can't go back in time and do certain things that you can only do at certain times of life, but in all reality there are countless things that I could still try, experience, learn, and perhaps even master. It's never too late, and you're never too old. Wanted to be a dancer? Sign up for dance classes through a community center. Longed to go sky-diving? Do it, if George H.W. Bush can do it, so can you! Wished you could have gone to camp as a kid? Go as a counselor or an adult guest. For me, I'm going to start by aiming to become much better at playing the piano, learning to snowboard (after all I do still have all the gear for it, hmm), and learning to play the guitar. Who knows, maybe I'll discover that I have a talent yet. Now, for all of you, get out there and try your hand at something you've always wanted to do! Who knows, maybe you'll find what you were meant to do, or at the very least, have a smashingly good time.

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