Sunday, September 5, 2010


who intends to let Pandora know that I like the song that they're playing (one I think I've never heard before), only to discover that I've already done so some other time in my listening history?

who sometimes worries that other people actually can read minds and know what I'm thinking?

who adds things to my 'to-do list' only so that I can have the satisfaction of crossing them off?

whose least favorite season is summer (I'm not particularly fond of hot weather. . .)?

who goes up and down every aisle of the grocery store just to make sure I didn't forget something I might need/want?

who based their cereal selection this week off of the fact that you get a free (child's) book in a box of Cheerios?


Just a week in the life of Megan.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I do the to-do list thing!!