Wednesday, September 23, 2009


"Again and again, Ordinary lost his way. Again and again, he cried out for the Dream Giver to show him the way. But no answer came. Why had he ever trusted the Dream Giver to guide him in the first place?"

How often do we find ourselves floundering in the midst of our attempts to find our way in life? How often do we cry out for help, direction, guidance, only to be met with silence? It's so easy, at least for me, to get frustrated and upset at those times. To wonder why I can't ever seem to stay on track. Or to wonder why God is not making His way known to me in spite of my crying out and my so-called 'trust' in Him. But to allow those times to have a foothold on our lives, to wallow in what we perceive our reality to be, we miss out on the opportunity to extract meaning from those instances. Looking back on particular instances in my life, there were times where something beyond my control happened and set my life heading in a different direction than I had planned, than I had prayed for, and to be honest, in the heat of the moment my reaction at those times consisted of being distraught, feeling lost and even betrayed. Given time, and with the clarity of hindsight, though I was able to see that it was those same instances that procured opportunities for my life that would not have happened otherwise, that turned out to be better things than what I had been planning for myself. Those seasons of life allowed me to learn more about myself, to grow in new ways, and to readjust the way in which I trusted God -- no longer trusting that He'll provide what it is that I think that I want, but trusting that He'll provide what He knows that I need. They may not be easy times of life but in persevering and having faith they may provide even greater things for us yet.

"Later that same day, Ordinary was eating some fruit beside a trickle of water, when he saw his journey through the WasteLand in a whole new way. Food enough for the day. Water, when he needed to drink. A path to follow that led to Faith. How could he have been so blind? Even when the Dream Giver had been nowhere in sight, he had always been near." - The Dream Giver

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