Tuesday, September 8, 2009


To all you wide-eyed college freshmen out there, as someone (among millions) who's been where you are now, here are a few words of wisdom as you embark on your first year of college:

- regardless of if your living situation was your first choice or not, try and make the most of it

- make your dorm room as 'homey' as possible, even if it means nauseatingly bright colors everywhere

- get involved in campus activities (i.e. intramurals), not only is it a great way to meet new people but it will help you keep your sanity in the midst of all of your schoolwork
- take advantage of 'inclimate weather' days to ditch the books for awhile and enjoy whatever the weather brought with it
- be sure to get off of campus and explore your surroundings (besides, it's a great opportunity to pose for pictures)

- surround yourself with people whose company you enjoy

You'll come to find, learning while in college doesn't take place only within the classroom, it happens wherever you go and in whatever you do -- it takes place in your interactions with your peers, it happens in the midst of attending sporting events, and it even manifests itself when you're doing your own laundry for, perhaps, the first time in your life. Take this time to learn and grow in whatever capacity possible, drink it all in, and let it be a stepping stone to even greater things for you.

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